Before I get into what happened this week lets back up to last Thursday🔙⟲⟲🔙. Last Thursday started like any other day except this is the day I set my appointment to get my decoy trailer titled. So at 8 am I headed down to the license branch only to find out my appt. wasn't until 8:30. I sat in the parking lot listening to Bob and Tom until it was time. Once I got in it went really quickly and relatively painlessly. When I got home I was walking up to the mudroom and saw something flying around in there. As I got closer I noticed they were wasps, no worries I grabbed my electric fly swatter and started the massacre. It was only after a couple minutes I saw there were just as many as there were when I started... then I saw it. There was a pencil-sized hole in the ceiling of the mudroom and that's where they were coming out of. So after a couple shots of wasp spray that I had in the garage I gave Cliff a call to help with the problem. By the time he showed up, I had all but killed the entire nest that was in the ceiling. We could only hear a couple buzzing around up there compared to the
many that were there, to begin with. By the way, if you plan on doing this at your house keep in mind
wasps don't like it when you destroy their nest. I did get hit once on the nose, but I felt that was a fair trade.
this was after I opened the hole a little bit more |
I think the last owner had the same problem, this was a cut-out and patched before. |
At the end of the day, I had defended my house against these tiny invaders and won. The next couple days I killed at least a dozen more that had gone out prior to the slaughter.
All I have left to do is fix the hole in the ceiling.
Now, about this week, well this week sucked. I finally got one of my buddies to go to Erie. I had been watching the weather since last Friday. Tues and Wed were looking to be good days. We made plans to go on Tues, he showed up right on time and we made it to Erie right when the sun was coming up. Even then I knew we were in trouble. Once again the waves were
much bigger than they were supposed to be and I wasn't sure if we could even get out. Always the idiot, we launched the boat and headed out, only to make it 200 yards or so before the shelter of the island point wore off and the waves hit us full force. I turned around and headed back to the dock to load the boat. We hung around for a romantic day of watching boats go out and bounce around until about 10:30 when I finally called it. So as with my landowner, I shelled out another batch of walleye I had in the freezer so he wouldn't go home emptyhanded. I literally only have one week left to get back up there before hunting season starts.
Anyway, I worked Wed morning and fished my lake that afternoon. I definitely didn't tear it up but I did get to stretch a line.
Yeah they're small but at least I got out and got some slime on my hands