Thursday, February 2, 2017

Been a little lax this week

I've been out goose hunting 3 times this week and have been just a little lax in the hero pic department. Even though I been shooting geese every time I get out.
 Sean, Mike and I were out yesterday on a field that I've hunted before, but is now under new management. After some negotiating I got permission to hunt, so I called the boys and set the meet time at 5:45am. At 5:45 I was the only one at the designated meet location. A few phone calls and 45 minutes later we were on our way.Once we got set up and daylight was showing through I realized that we set up on the wrong little hill.
Strike one.
Once we were ready, with nothing flying, we decided the birds were going to be fashionably late. The first flock got there around noonish we had 6 come in and 4 leave. My bad I had the decoys too far up towards the blinds so the birds didn't swing and set where I wanted them to.
Strike two.
So I moved the decoys and waited and waited and listened to Sean snore and then waited some more.
20-30 minutes before sunset is when they started flying and they came in waves. We had a flock of 20-30 working with a four pack in front threating to land so I gave the order to, "take 'em", here's the rub. I told the guys that if you get a big flock to come in and we had some early setters that we would let them land and suck the rest in.
Strike three.
Long story short we had some opportunities that we quickly blew and once again couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside.
Terrible shooting.
At least everyone told me they had a good time, and if you talk to anyone in the game that's what it's really all about.
I think everyone would've had a really good time if their were 9 geese laying there, that's a good time.

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