Thursday, December 22, 2016

I should be getting paid

Let me explain why. I went coyote hunting on Tuesday (nothing) and on the way home I did some scouting. I saw a bunch of geese in a field that Mike has permission to hunt. When I got home I called Mike up and told him the game plan which was as follows:
1. get to the field by noon thirty and get the spread set as the geese were coming in at 4-4:30 pm.
2. get hid and shoot geese and go home.
Simple plan right?
Well by the time 1:45 rolled around, we were getting to the field and getting the spread out. Of course we had 2 flocks try to land on us and nobody had a gun ready. Well they didn't go far, just out to a field across from us. So we had hope that when they came back they would come close enough for a shot....... That didn't happen.
So as the clock turned 5:05 with only 11 minutes of shooting light left I started packing it in. You know the usual, unload the gun, put the calls away, start dragging the sled arou....... hey those geese look like they're coming this way.
I yelled out to Mike ,"geese coming are you loaded?" No was the answer, but by the time the geese were within shooting range I watched him shoot twice and had 1 goose fall. As he loaded up again another flock was on the way. When they got close enough 3 shots later and Mike had his 3 bird limit.
All while I watched (I know it was my fault)- I should've stayed in the game and made it pay.
So let's recap:
I did the scouting  (albeit on his property.)
We used my decoys which I set out
I did the calling (which in the end didn't help at all)
I even drove, so I packed and unpacked the gear by myself.
All so my Buddy could have a good hunt.... kinda sounds like a guide..... huh.  😖

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