Thursday, May 28, 2015

And it rained, then they were done

I went back out to Max for 2 reasons:
1-I wanted to drive and try and find the lure I lost last week.
2-I was trying miss the rain by going an hour and a half to the west.
Well I failed on with both reasons, I put my mask snorkel and fins on and swam around on the GPS mark for 20-30 minutes in 65 degree water. I got pretty cold and the only thing I had to show for my effort was wet clothes and water in my ear. After I changed it was time for some fishing. The lake did not disappoint yet again this week the jerkbait bite was on. This week I used a Rapala X-rap in Hot Steel it did pretty good and the fish did smash it, but I really want my Strike King jerkbait. (which actually came in the mail today : ) : )) So after fishing for most of the day I ended up with 12 or so decent bass. I caught smallmouth, largemouth, one rock bass, but no walleye this week.

eating lunch at the truck

From what I've heard, the black dots are a sign of a healthy, high population.

had 1 saved in the livewell for this double
 These fish were caught before the storms really hit. I did catch a couple after the storm, but they weren't hitting like they were.

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