In the last 2 weeks I hunted coyote 4 times and in those 4 days I called in 3 and saw 4. That, in and of itself would have been a great year. This year I had an exceptional coyote season.
The first day out on my second stand of the day I called in my first coyote. He came across a 100 yard tilled field, and gave me a shot at 100 yards down a trail which I promptly missed. I then proceeded to throw 2 more rounds at him that hit nothing. After some thought this is what I came up with.
- 1. Coyote saw my snow pants and forced me to shoot too soon.
- 2. Had my scope set on the wrong power for such a long shot. I was on 3 power and should've been set on at least 6.
- 3. Just had coyote fever, and pulled a relatively easy shot.
- 4. Scope is off-(after a shooting session at the range this was proven not to be a factor)
The second day out I was at one of my favorite call spots when I stopped for a pee break. I looked down the road and watched a coyote cross right were I had planned on calling.
This year I had to switch bullets so I had to go and re-sight in so I decided to do a little hunting afterwards. At my 3rd or 4th stand I had 2 mangy coyotes running in to the call. The first yote, which was the one in the worst shape, finally stopped around 100 yards out offering me a shot. Miss.... the second yote stopped about the same distance Miss.... then he kicked in the afterburners and took off. I took a shot on the run and Miss.... just when he was going to crest the hill and live to see another day he gave me a look back at 190 yards (google earth) I squeezed the trigger and dropped him where he stood.
Finally Fur Down

I am guessing that this guy is either 2 or 3 years old and was in better shape than the other yote. I looked to see if I got the first yote with no luck.
The next day out I worked hard all day and came home with nothing except blisters, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
So with my hunting season done and getting geared up for fishing season, here are my totals from 2012 up to March 2013 (which I consider part of my 2012 hunting season).
2012 Hunting Season Breakdown
Species |Days Afield|Number of Critters
Turkey 3 1
Deer 23 1
Dove 3 29
Pheasant 2 2
Coon 5 4
Coyote/Fox 4 1
Waterfowl 34 13 ducks/29 geese
Total 74 80
Well as you can see I had a pretty good year
I am in the drawing for the spring Turkey season, I consider that to be my "bonus" hunt.
So starting in April you will be seeing some fishing pics and video.
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