Friday, September 9, 2011

A break in the action

OK so I finally have some time to sit down and update my blog. I just got off work on time for a change so I thought I would catch you up on the happenings. I have been out hunting 4 days since the first. It would have been more but apparently geese and doves dying don't count as a death in the family. So I was expected to be at work all the normal days and usually over my scheduled work day.
Anyway enough of the boring stuff lets get to the fun stuff.
I got out on the first and didn't see or even hear a goose. I decided to try and get a dove hunt in later the same day and managed to bring home 3.

Huntington's fields didn't fill out this year

I went out again on Labor day and got 2. It should've been a couple more but I got a new choke tube this year and it's taking me a little time to get use to it.(everyone needs an excuse)

The next day I got out was on Wed. (the holiday kinda screwed up my week) I didn't see as many geese on Wed but did get one. I had another land right in my decoys and when I finally had to jump him up he was pretty far out and flying away. (more excuses)
Anyway I didn't get pics or video because it was rainy all day.
On Thursday I went up to Mongo, IN to hunt some doves on their sunflower fields. Now I don't know if it was the weather which was misty, cold, and windy all day. Or if it was because of their sunflowers came in nicely but I saw over a hundred birds flying around. I actually only got 7 and shot better than the national dove average which is 5 shots per bird. I only averaged out 4 shots per bird, but this is the first year I had to shoot steel at doves and that's a whole other ball game. (I gots all kinds of excuses)
That's OK though cause I finally have enough doves to make a meal.
I'm not throwing gang signs, just giving a dove count
 So right now all my gear is drying and my guns have been cleaned and oiled. I'm just waiting for Tues so I can start all over again. I only have 3 more days of early goose season left, and I really would like to get limit one of the days.

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