The sun came out and all hopes of an early limit were dashed. There were geese trading back and forth between roosts but they didn't want to play. We slept,talked and waited for the evening flight.
They won't move when the suns out until last light. Then you need 'em to get to the spread in a hurry, finish 'em and get home.
We finally got the geese we wanted and man did they show up. We had 100-150 geese converging on us at one point only to bug out and fly away.
We were able to get a flock to cup and commit and I dropped 2. The skies were still black with geese so I stayed put and kept calling. I noticed one of my geese steadily walking away, so once the flying geese retreated I ran/walked out to put him down. After I shot him I heard Weed yell at me to get down. I looked to my right and 1 single goose was comin' in fast and low. So I dropped onto my stomach in the field and let Weed work the magic. I watched the goose as long as I could until he got behind me to my right.
I heard Weed stopped calling, and then there was 1 lone shot. I turned to see the goose drop right into our spread. After a couple hoops and hollars and a slight recap of the last gooses demise we got down to breakin' the spread down.
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