There was no answer and I was almost hoping he wouldn't call back so I would have a day to recuperate before going back to work.
No such luck, Donovan called a half hour later. I told him my plan and we hung up with plans to meet in the morning.
I didn't want to drive too far so I could get more sleep. I decided to hit a field I hadn't shot yet only because the owner lets anyone hunt it. Without knowing when it was shot last it was kinda a crap shoot field. I didn't really know if we would see a bird.
After we got to the field I let Donovan know the reason I wanted to shoot it, and when I wanted to pack it in. I decided noon O'clock is all I wanted to give this field to produce geese. Now as anyone that has been in the outdoors with me knows, I stay until limit or dark, so the noon time curfew was very uncharacteristic of me. I just didn't have a whole lot of confidence in this field and I did want to relax for a little bit.
So when the first flock silently came in like ghosts through the snow I had to do a double take. Yep, they were geese so after some brief persuasion and a couple times around the spread they got into range. I gave the order and my gun blazed and 2 geese fell.
Donovan's first words were,"my gun jammed" so we had to wait for another flock. The good news was I had renewed confidence in the field. It wasn't too long before we had another flock working. Bang another goose, and another flock working and bang another goose.
Then we were done....time please....10 am.
AWESOME, we packed it in and headed to the house.
Turned out to be a great day and great shoot for my last day of regular season.