Tippy was my destination last week. The wind blew all day however I managed 30 plus largemouth and white bass. Not really a whole lot to say, I just got into em last week. After fishing at Tippy for most of the day I started home and stopped at Robinson for some scum frog action, I landed 3.
I took a picture of the spider culvert that I have to go through to get to the lake.

Well that was last week.
I've been waiting for a couple days were it was cool enough at night and not windy, to be able to get up to the big lake and fish for a couple days. Well I finally got my wish this week. I started up to The Dunes Wed. to set up camp and cook some supper, get a good nights sleep and get to fishin bright and early. Catch my limit by noon head back to camp, put some fresh salmon on the fire, have an adult beverage, go to bed and do it again the next day.
Well that was how I envisioned it, this is how it went down.......
I got to the Dunes around 8pm to a sign that said,"campground full" oh crap. I head on up to the gate and ask if there are any more sites left open. The guard calls in to the office an tells me there is one site left.
Man do I have good luck.
Well I pay the 5 bucks to enter.
I go to the camp office only to find out I can only have the site for 1 night. It seems it is reserved for the next night. I had the option to be at the campground before 2 pm to see if anything else is available. Now remember the whole reason for the camping is to stay close to the lake and have more time to fish and not drive home beat axx tired.
So I paid the 18 bucks for a site that I won't even be able to put a tent up at or leave anything behind when I leave to go fishin at 4:30 in the am.
I called Sarah to tell her what's going on. She gave me her condolences and urges me to make the best of it, since this is the only camping trip I will go on this year.
Ok, time to make supper so I put the duck that I bought on the fire to cook. By the time it's done I came to the conclusion that the campers to the right and in back of me have approx. 6 (loud) kids between them.
I finish supper while watching the comings and goings of people going to and coming from the camp facilities. The crapper was close enough for me to hit it with a rock.
After the rousing game of cross campground Marco Polo, played by my neighbors and 3 other random kids (which stopped being cute after the 4th round) it finally turned 10pm.
This is the best part- I got to unload all my camping gear from my truck and sleep in the bed under my tonneau cover.
Even though they call it a "bed" trust me when I say it is not comfortable.
Time to crawl under the cover and get some sleep....... oh good the dad's of the two sites decided to see who could drink more beer...... I really don't know who won but they finally gave up or passed out at 3 am. I tossed and turned until 4 am. With no sleep in sight, and a mosquito buzzing in my ear. I got up, took a shower, packed up my "campsite" and headed out to do some fishing.
I got to the landing with plenty of time to get my boat ready.

This was Chicago in the morning.

This was the afternoon
So as you can see the Lake really wasn't cooperating with my plan either.
Well I trolled for 13 hours, then I pulled in my lines and slow rolled into the marina.
I managed to land 2 fish, one king and a coho. I went 2 for 10 (that means 10 got away) I had 3 come unbuttoned within 10 feet of the boat.
For my next trip up I think I'm going to try this new thing called "hooks", and see if that up's my hooking to landing ratio.

Fishing is done for the day. Now I had the option to try and find a campground and sleep in the bed of my truck again, or drive home 3 hours dead axx tired........ It was a long drive.
I would've been better off just biting the bullet and making the drive like I always do.
4 hours sleep
$110.00 for gas,lodging,entry fees,ext.....
2 fish
and still driving home dead axx tired....priceless