Well after all these years of hunting coyotes I finally found the one spot a yote can stand and I would not be able to get a shot off.
Yep I went out for some actual yote hunting yesterday in the heat,mud and water. Man what I wouldn't give for a deep freeze and about a foot of snow. Anyway got out yesterday prelight and about midday I was set up where I shot a fox 4-5 years ago. I set up in the same spot everytime I call this property and nothin'. So I venture a little further back into the woods and set up looking across a ravine to another hill 100 to 120 yrds across. I was into the call about 5 min. when I noticed movement on the hillside. Good right?? well this yote had placed itself behind 3 or 4 branches/trees so all I could see was his muzzle and one ear. So I cut the sound hoping to make him take 2 steps forward where I would have at least a chance at a shot. Well he just stood there sizing up the situation, then he looked back.... so I took my eye off the scope and looked down the ravine hoping for a second yote. Apparently that was just a decoy look, by the time I know I didn't see another yote and got back into the scope on the original yote he had turned and walked out of sight all I saw a tail. So I hit the caller and threw every sound I had at him, he was never to be seen again.
So I made a few more stands and started to notice alot of den trees, I wanted a break and nature was calling so I made a bet with myself. I bet that I could set up my caller, stand behind a tree hit play, relieve myself and call out a coon, before I was finished relieving myself. I won, after I hit play I had a coon crawling out of the hole before I was finished. It's not coon season so I finished, picked up my gear and went onto my next set giggling about the coon that got away.
My first time out yote hunting was awesome, it only could've gotten better if I had put some fur on the ground. Oh well there's always next time.
All my outdoor adventures are put down here for you to see. My goal is to make you smile or maybe even learn something. If you don't, well it's a good read anyway. Wish me luck..... This blog is dedicated to my Auntie Nae and my Mom. They have contributed to this in their own way. Thank you for all you have done and still do. And a special Thanks to my Dad, he started me on my path by having time to take me hunting and fishing. Thank you.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Last week for late goose
Thought I would get out today for some late season goose hunting. I Picked up a ground blind this year for field hunting and I was ichin' to try it out. The blind cost me dearly, my free spending privileges are no more, I'm now on an allowance. Anyway I got my blind an
d really wanted to go out and, fall asleep in it, I mean try field hunting. So I took the weights off of 2 dozen of my goose decoys packed them in the truck and off I went. It was really late by the time I got going but I was going to stay all day, so I went anyway. When I got out to my deer property, there's lotsa geese out there, I noticed a red car parked where I usually park. My landowner wasn't home so I went off in search of the trespasser. After trudging across a very muddy clay field I caught up to the owner of the red car and it was the landowners son in law. We've met before so after some small talk and wishing him good luck, he was rabbit hunting, I started back to the truck. After making it back the 100 yrds to the truck I was soaked with sweat. Oh ya, did I mention it's going to hit 61 degrees today? So after debating about what to do I decided to head home. Oh well there's always next year.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
no lights, no calls, action
Got out tonight for some more sniper duty.
Sat in the stand til around 7:30 pm wondering if there were any yotes left. Then as if on cue firetrucks and squads lit up the roads around me. The sirens set off the yotes to the North of me reconfirming my thoughts of more coyote action. So I sat straining for some movement in the snow covered field in front of me. 7:45 pm saw something... pull up the scope ... yep it's a yote at about 130 yrds out and meandering in. Let him come to around 75 yrds, one shot one kill. I was a little chilled, I had sat for 3 1/2 hrs, so I get up after trying the pup in distress call. As soon as I stood up to get down I get a warning bark. So I sit back down bring the scope up and search for the yote. 15 mins later I'm still looking and she's still barking, I could not find her. So when she stops barking I get up, get down, get to the car, shed some clothes and retrieve my fur.
Another big male
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Super Bowl Sunday Song Dog
Sunday night when most of America was watching the kick off and first Quarter of the 43rd Super Bowl, I was sitting in my deer stand waiting for a coyote. I was only waiting 2 and a half hours when I got my shot. I noticed a shadow come out into the snow covered field all the way on the other side. I guestimate I saw him in the field at 6:30pm, he made a slow b-line to my bait. His fatal mistake came when he stopped to grab a bite.
One shot one kill at 6:45pm.
This is #4
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