Thursday, April 28, 2022

Rain and wind... oh wait that was last week

 This week was just wind and alot of it. The only decent day I could've got out was Monday, and after working all weekend I was just too tired. So this has been another week of no fishing. The good news is 🦃 season opened yesterday.  I went out and called in nothing, I saw some deer but no 🦃's. I went out today and had the same luck, I got some  video of the deer, I'll get that loaded up next week. Sorry such a bland blog 🤷‍♂️I wish I had better stuff to post just like you do. Well hopefully I'll have something good to report next week.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Rain and wind

 I really wanted ro to get out 🎣 this week but the wind just didn't want to ease up. 😩 
Monday I did my shopping, Tuesday I was going to go fishing but the waves were 5-7 foot rollers. Wednesday we actually could've gone but we would've only had a 3-4 hour window of calm, so Jake and I went scouting 🦃's instead. Today was Jeff day, I got my sammiches made and made goose fajitas for this week. The rest of the day was spent watching fishing and turkey hunting video's on YouTube. If the weather works out next week I should be fishing Tuesday and 🦃 opener on Wednesday.

Or at least that's how the dream goes.🤷‍♀️

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

I've been Jinxed

 A couple years ago I took Reg from work to Hamilton because it was close and we couldn't get on a big lake. Well, we caught nothing, and ever since that day I have not been able to catch anything off that lake. All I want is one mid sized pike to cook up, but I can't even entice the smallest of hammer handles to bite. I'm not sure what kinda Voodoo Reg has working on me but man it is potent. I just wish he would use his powers for good not evil.
Back to Monday, Cliff and I went to Hamilton to catch a mid sized pike to cook up. After a 5-6 hours of casting and keeping the phlegm moss off our lures the rain moved in and effectively chased me off the lake. So this would make trip #5-6 to Hamilton that I've been skunked on, fortunately the bad juju is pretty much isolated to that lake.
Yesterday I went out to Jake's to shoot my turkey guns and make sure they are on. 
The results were really impressive.

These are all dead turkeys.... 👍

The bad thing is, with my guns shooting this good if I miss it's all on me. 😖😡😱

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Got out this week

 That's right there was a break in the rain long enough for me to get the boat out. I wasn't out that long, just long enough to not catch any fish and run all my motors. The good thing is everything worked and nothing broke so I'm ready for next week.
This week I did some work in the garage and put my new grill together.
That's pretty much all I did this week. I'm really hoping I'll be able to get out next fishing next week.