Thursday, April 23, 2020


Yet again fishing has eluded me this week. Monday wasn't too bad as far as the wind goes, however, the temp never got above 40 which doesn't really bother me. The main issue was I slept allll day, or so it seemed. I fell asleep in my chair at 8pm Sunday woke up at midnight and went to bed, and slept until 11am Monday. So no fishing Monday, I did, however, get my lawn cut. I honestly think this is the first time in over 30 years I cut my lawn before I put the boat in. Maybe I am getting old, anywho it is the first day of Turkey season so I went out to my magic 5 and wow were the birds on fire this morning. I finally got to work a bird at 10am he stayed about 100 yards out strutting and gobbling. After an hour of this, I thought the only way to make a move on this bird was to slide down the side of the hill and set up. I got 10 yards from the edge and saw the Tom 2 ridges over. When he saw me it was all but over, so I went back up top and sat until noon, then I packed up my gear and headed for the house. I kicked myself all the way home and still am right now but I don't think that bird would've ever come in. He was pretty happy where he was, the best thing I could've done was sneak up to where I saw him gobbling at and set up, the bad thing is I would've been off property. When it's only 5 acres there's very, very little room to move. Anyway, I've got tomorrow and until May 7th to get it done, that's kinda why I didn't hang out all day today, and if it's raining in the morning I might just sleep in.
Well, I didn't sleep in but I didn't get a bird either. I heard 2 gobbles this morning and didn't see a bird, but it was kinda cool and very little sun. So I'll go to work for 3 days let the birds get back into a groove and try again on Monday.
Wish me luck

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