Monday, February 3, 2020

Addendum to last week's post

Tuesday after official sunset and the end of shooting time, we got out of our blinds and started packing up, all the while watching for the geese to start flying as they always do. I looked to our East and saw 4 deer in the field no more than 40 yards from us. I quietly told Jake to look over, and when he did he saw the deer and immediately took off at a full run, in all his gear.
 You remember Jake right?

Well, the deer saw him and started crossing the field from our right to left at a full-on run. 4 deer turned to 5 then 6 and Jake was still running in a straight line to the East. As he ran the deer kept pushing to the east and continued crossing from right to left. By the time he got to around 100 yards, I wasn't sure why he was still running until I saw the last deer. It was a yearling desperately trying to catch up with the rest of the herd. This whole time I was very confused, but laughing uncontrollably with the unfolding of the last minutes of daylight. When Jake finally successfully chased off the last deer, he got back to inform me that he has always wanted to catch a deer and wrestle it to the ground. I'm telling you, this was hands down the funniest thing I've seen this year. By the way, Jake informed me that yearling was a spike with 3" nubbins. LMFAO 😂

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