Thursday, May 28, 2015

And it rained, then they were done

I went back out to Max for 2 reasons:
1-I wanted to drive and try and find the lure I lost last week.
2-I was trying miss the rain by going an hour and a half to the west.
Well I failed on with both reasons, I put my mask snorkel and fins on and swam around on the GPS mark for 20-30 minutes in 65 degree water. I got pretty cold and the only thing I had to show for my effort was wet clothes and water in my ear. After I changed it was time for some fishing. The lake did not disappoint yet again this week the jerkbait bite was on. This week I used a Rapala X-rap in Hot Steel it did pretty good and the fish did smash it, but I really want my Strike King jerkbait. (which actually came in the mail today : ) : )) So after fishing for most of the day I ended up with 12 or so decent bass. I caught smallmouth, largemouth, one rock bass, but no walleye this week.

eating lunch at the truck

From what I've heard, the black dots are a sign of a healthy, high population.

had 1 saved in the livewell for this double
 These fish were caught before the storms really hit. I did catch a couple after the storm, but they weren't hitting like they were.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Snuck out

That's right, after a month of working 6 and 7 days a week I finally got out to do some fishing.
Since Turkey season I have been helping a buddy with his business because in the spring he has a hard time with help while everyone is still in school. The bad thing is it leaves me no time to do anything but mow lawns and work, either for him or at my real job. Well last Wednesday looked like rain, and since the work is with concrete, when it rains we don't work. I didn't get a,"we're working" phone call and since the forecast was for rain, I took the initiative and went fishing.
Let me tell you I had a grand day, lots of fish of many species. Here's some pics

rock bass

bad pic nice largemouth
the release of the largemouth before realizing I should've checked the pic quality
legal walleye
As you see I caught all sorts of fish on a relatively cool and windy day, but man did I have fun. The only bad part of the day came when it was time to load up and go home. I was making a couple more casts before I hit the dock when disaster struck. Yup, my line broke and I watched as the lure I had been catching most of my fish on that day brake off, fly through the air, and land in 8 feet of water unattached to my line. The trifecta of bad things was: lost the lure, first day using the lure, it was a ten dollar lure. So to make myself feel better one of the first things I did when I got home was order 2 more. : )