Wednesday, January 7, 2015

2 week hiatus

Since goose is closed for 2 weeks, set to reopen for me on the 19th of Jan. I have been getting some projects done, mostly to do with my trap line.
I got a dozen more muskrat, mink traps with the cash I got for Christmas. I have been getting them ready to deploy this year before the end of season, but if they're not ready no big deal I will have them for next year. I was never really into trapping until this year. I have set traps to control the coon population around the house, but this year I have expanded my trapping territory. I've got a couple creeks in the area set for muskrat and mink. I have caught a couple muskrat but have yet to catch a mink.
That is until yesterday.
This is my first trapped mink. I've got mink in the past when I was duck hunting, but this one I caught in a trap. I caught him in a 110 conibear set along a weed edge. I was pretty stoked when I saw I had fur, let alone a mink. I've been coming up short on catches the last week or so.
Only about 30 more and all the gear I've had to buy will be paid for. : )

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