Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just a quick posting

I went out for MY opening of waterfowl season, just like last year it was almost like a ghost town. This guy didn't get the memo thank goodness.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Still hunting

I've been out 6 times this year for deer and have seen deer all but one time. I would like to say that they were all out of range but I can't. This morning I had a buck follow me to my stand. He hung out at 10 feet for at least 10 minutes. Why didn't I shoot? Well I had just got to my stand and shooting time wasn't for another 15 minutes, so I didn't even have an arrow nocked. So, sadly all I could do was watch him. He eventually meandered across the field, none the wiser of how close to supper he was.
Anyway here's a couple videos of some deer just out of range.
p.s.- the first buck went in exactly where these two did.
 I only have 3 more days before deer season starts to infringe on waterfowl season, wish me luck.
apparently I really need it.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Deer season has begun

Ok, so I have to admit that I haven't been keeping ya'll up to date on what's been going on, so here's the lowdown.
I went dove hunting a couple times in the beginning of Sept. also did some goose hunting in the first two weeks. The dove hunting was better than last year, however the goose hunting was a little slow.

Here's the pics
second day out, limit by myself

finally got lucky, not limit
Weed and I after the first yearly Poo Pond hunt  

The third week of Sept. I mowed  lawns even though Sears didn't want me to.
Long story short, I sent my lawnmower in for service and it took them 3 weeks to get it right. The last week in Sept. I went fishing for the last time this year and again left the water frustrated and confused.
So now were back to where we started, deer season has begun. My opener was on Tues. afternoon I could've closed the deal on a decent doe if the wind was a different direction. Wed. morning I didn't see anything but geese in my field, last nite I saw a doe and a buck, both out of range. This morning I saw 5 bucks and 2 doe's none of which did I have a shot at. Should've been in my other stand, two of the bucks would've ran right underneath it.
My deer season is officially on hold until next week. I only have 6 more days to get a deer before the waterfowl opener so wish me luck.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I have alot of footage from the start of season that I am going to wait to put together until I have a better movie program. Right now I record in quicktime and avi and in order to use my movie maker I have to change all the quicktime files to avi. This takes alot of time to do so I am on the hunt for a new movie program that will support both files thus shortening my editing process. So that being said the video is on hold for right now.