Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Weird and Freaky but true.

This started last year when I noticed this hole in my front yard right by the street. I never really thought anything of it because we've got a number of critters around here. Namely chipmunks, a few shrews and probably a mole or two. Well all last year I never really knew what lived in this hole but caught glimpses of it every now and again when I brought the trash can to the curb.

Now to make myself giggle whenever I was mowing the grass, or bringin' the trash out I would plug the hole up with the dirt around the hole and see how long it would take the critter to dig out. I did that all last year and whatever lived there always dug out. Well it wasn't til yesterday that I actually found out what was living in the hole down by the driveway.

prairie or grassland crawfish

Yep it's a crawfish, I don't know how populous they are but Steve's been in the hole in the front yard for a year and a half now and he can stay as long as he wants. I'm not even going to plug up the hole anymore. Not everyone has a crawfish living in their front yard.

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