Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 for the year

yep got out this morning before daylight got up in my tree stand and saw 2 deer eating in the field to my right. Looked all the way down to the end of the field and saw my fuzzy little quarry. Still too dark to really see so just kept an eye on them and kept scanning. Around 9 am had some crows come down to eat off my bait. They didn't like that at all and in they came at a really slow lope, trot. As soon as the first one get within a hundred I drop the hammer. Probably should've waited for the female she was following but I was kinda excited and wanted some fur to hit the deck. When I'm in my tree stand I keep a diaphram call in for ki-yi's so I let loose with it and the second yote stops to look back. I shoot and watch as she runs and jumps into the ditch.
I look back at the male and he's tryin' to get up bang down for good.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coyote death trap

Well just a recap of last week. Tuesday I went coyote hunting and saw 2 but they were around 200 plus yrds away and the wind was gusting to 30mph so I didn't have a shot. I also saw about 100 geese come into my field so when I got home I called a buddy and made plans to pass shoot the field on Wed. So we got out on Wed. and.....had.....a..... terrible shoot. The wind was still pretty gusty and it was snowing, we didn't hear or see a single goose. The weather cleared up so I went out on Fri to try to get a goose and BLANKED. Saturday....BLANKED. Sunday goose season closed and I slept in.
Monday I went and put out my coyote bait-a road kill deer.
This morning I went out to hunt over the bait and pushed one out on my way to my stand. No big deal really I planned on sitting for a couple hours. I watched the one leave out the end of the field, then another and one more within 20 mins from first to last.
With my hope restored I just sat and watched 'em chase around in the field. Finally one started into the ditch to my left. Now they've gone in there before only to never emerge so I didn't think too much of it and started watching the next one. Well that yote finally followed the first so I started watching for the last yote. Low and behold I had the first yote sneak up on me from the left and across the field. So I carefully settled her in the cross hairs and squeezed the trigger. Bang, flop dead, so I started squealing like a hurt pup trying to bring in one of the other two. They were having none of it, so I policed my brass picked up my yote and headed home.

She was a well furred female exactly what I am aiming for.

Friday, January 2, 2009

First coon hunt of 2009

Got out last nite for some callin. Tried to get out for some day time callin' but...... I got to bed at 11:00 pm on new years eve, up at 4:00 am to go to work, worked till 2:30 pm new years day got home and took a nap til' 5:30 pm. Then time to go huntin' lotsa dry stands last night. Finally hooked up with this guy on a short stand by a boat launch. I walked down set up and did some calling... nothing so I packed up and walked to the car shining as I went caught this guys eyes on the way back to the car. After figuring out he was on MY side of the river I scrambled down the hill and set up for the shot. This was the only set of eye's I saw all night.