Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last coon hunt of '08

And I finally have something to write about. Went out for some coon callin' yesterday before the bad weather moved in. Hunted for around an hour, saw one set of eyes that just would not leave the tree, when my caller started acting up. My foxpro sounded like a bad record, it started popping and skipping real bad, at first I thought it was just the recording I put on it. After I tried some of the other sounds that came on the caller I realized my batteries were going dead. So into "town" I go to get some new batteries,of course town only has 2 gas stations and one of them is closed. The one that's open had one pack of D, C, AAA, and of course a flat battery but no AA of which I need 4. So off to the bigger town I go and after 20 miles and $5.00 I'm back in business. I went out to the same tree to try and pull the coon out far enough for a shot , and I got nothing he didn't even look out to see what the problem was. So I went to the edge of the forest where it drops off to a creek bed and goes back up on the other side to some more forest , set up my caller and started calling. These sounds are the best I've ever used and after about 3 min I heard a coon coming in. After a little searching with the light and a brief wait he was clear enough for a shot at 5 yds. The shot put him down, I probably would've given it a follow up shot however my gun is not operating properly and is going to be shipped back to Remington yet again at the end of coon season-(do not buy a 597!)- . Anyway I got one coon and fit in one more stand before the weather got too bad. I'm going out New Year's day after work and if it's a nice day I might try to get some Video. Wish me luck. As I wish you a happy New Year!

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