I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas. This was a fun week for me I went goose hunting Christmas eve and Christmas day, and had some luck.
Christmas eve I hunted all day and ended up with 4 geese. I actually shot 5 but I couldn't find the 5th bird, I had a pair come in and I dropped the first bird and hit the second (I think). I walked the entire field and even ran the wheeler out and around after shooting and couldn't find him. Last I saw him he flew up over a hill in the field and I lost track of him after that. So, either I didn't fatally wound him and he managed to fly just under the radar and got away, or he flew away and died out of my field. Anyway, I counted him as part of my limit, and since I looked for him so long I missed my photo op.
Christmas day I went to a spot I have with some open water but the geese just didn't want to cooperate. They were high flying which gave me some passing shots but all I shot was the sky.
The weather here looks to be sucking for the next week or so, with the 40's and 50's back in the forecast. Very little chance of new birds, or at least birds that need to eat to stay warm. They'll stay around the editions and graze on the grass leaving me wet and sleeping in a field somewhere.