Thursday, December 26, 2024

Well... we made it through

 I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas. This was a fun week for me I went goose hunting Christmas eve and Christmas day, and had some luck. 
Christmas eve I hunted all day and ended up with 4 geese. I actually shot 5 but I couldn't find the 5th bird, I had a pair come in and I dropped the first bird and hit the second (I think). I walked the entire field and even ran the wheeler out and around after shooting and couldn't find him. Last I saw him he flew up over a hill in the field and I lost track of him after that. So, either I didn't fatally wound him and he managed to fly just under the radar and got away, or he flew away and died out of my field. Anyway, I counted him as part of my limit, and since I looked for him so long I missed my photo op.
Christmas day I went to a spot I have with some open water but the geese just didn't want to cooperate. They were high flying which gave me some passing shots but all I shot was the sky.
The weather here looks to be sucking for the next week or so, with the 40's and 50's back in the forecast. Very little chance of new birds, or at least birds that need to eat to stay warm. They'll stay around the editions and graze on the grass leaving me wet and sleeping in a field somewhere.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Seasons winding down

 Yep already, deer season closed, pheasant closed jeez seems like they just opened. I still have plenty to hunt but it's just the start of the end.
Duck season comes in next week for a couple weeks. I am going to be trying real hard to get a couple ducks, I have yet to shoot one this year.
This week I went muzzleloader hunting for deer on Tues and today, neither day did I see a deer. I did see every variety of squirrels but no deer. 
The only critter I got in my traps this week was a couple rats and a massive grinner.
Wednesday I did some goose hunting, but when I got there I noticed the farmer had VT'd the field. Which means they knocked the corn stalks down and made it harder for me to hide. So I got down in a low spot and set my spread for a ENE wind. Boy when I got done I was sweating like a w......... crap the wind just switched to NW, hold on let me change the whole spread again..... Now where was I??? Oh yeah I was hhhoottt damn hot, and I forgot my water, dang hot and thirsty in 30 degree weather. Well, good thing I wasn't in the field long....
Thank goodness I was done and out of the field by 10:30 am, for such a bad start it turned out to be a super day.
Well wish me luck for next week really want to get into some ducks. 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Really.... again

 Well, as promised I have cooled alittle from last week and have decided to put up the video. This was last week...
So as you can see I messed up...
This week I did wait until the flock came around and was going to let them come around again... the bad thing is they didn't (I accidentally deleted the video). I should've shot and didn't just because I wanted them to do it right. I think I would rather shoot holes in the sky than not shoot at all..... Dad always said if you don't shoot, you get nothing... 
Anyways, I've been trapping a property East of town in the hopes of eventually getting on it for deer, turkey and waterfowl, but right now just collecting critters.

So far I've made $9 with 3 rats and 2 coon, which is a good thing cause my license was $28. I can't wait for this week, I've got 4 rats 3 coon and 1 grinner.... 
I'm going to be rich... 😎
Temps are going back up next week so I'll set the line again for fur. Not sure what I'll be hunting but I'll let'cha know what it was and how I did.
Oh yeah one last thing... Here it is the Twelfth of Dec. and Egg Nog isn't out yet??? What the heck??? Are we just skipping Christmas this year??? Walmart set for Thanksgiving after Halloween and they can't get Egg Nog in early???
Thinkin' 'bout writing my Congressman, who's with me????

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Missed a week

 Well, it looks like I missed last week so lets catch up. 
Last week I went to a field without scouting it on Sunday, I went for ducks but only shot a couple geese.
I had a flock come from in back of me right over my head. As usual I took my first shot inside of 15' so there was no pattern and I missed. I connected on the second and third shot though.
This week a buddy and I went pheasant hunting, it was clean up at the public areas. He got one and I got to carry it for a while. Nothing else was seen, he didn't have long to hunt as he had to go to work. I went blind to one of my goose spots, it was forecast to be 28 degrees with 30-40 mph gusts from the SW. Well, it was all of that, and the geese were using a field that I don't have permission on. I did have one flock of 25 that kinda did it, but instead of giving them another pass to set down I crapped the bed and whiffed all 3 shots at a marginal distance. I have video but I am still alittle upset about hitting nothing but air, so maybe next week.
Speaking of next week it's suppose to rain Sunday and be warm until Thursday.... this is what it looks like now.
We just get some good weather and within a couple days is goes away..... 😪