Today was the 6th day that I made the no-show draw drawing. That in and of itself is a feat, I never would've guessed that I could make all my no-show draws. The weather has been crappy rainy all week until yesterday when with a small glimmer of a nice day had the birds finally start talking. I heard no less than 5 different gobbles in the morning. Once they flew down they all dispersed to different areas of the section.... none tword me.
Once I knew their game plan all I had to do was get in their way, and call them in. That was the easy part, first I had to get drawn again, then had to get to my spot and be the only one there. Well I was able to get drawn much to my surprise, now all I had to do was go to my spot and ... crap there's a car there. So I reverted to my backup plan. This section has 2 parking spots and is big enough for 2 people, I just won't be able to get in front of the birds if they do the same thing as yesterday.
Knowing that I grabbed my gear and headed to the same spot I was in yesterday hoping to coax a bird my direction. Of the 7 different gobbles I heard the only one I had a shot with had a hen with him. When I called back to her she got scared slapped him across the face for gobbling at me and promptly lead him the other direction.
So, that was my morning, once all the hoopla was over around 7am I decided I would stay put until 9:30 before I changed locations and went after a double dinger I saw yesterday when I was on the way home. When 9:30 rolled around I started picking up my gear and decoys and started the walk to the car. The whole way I make sure and check down every field and path for turkey's. I was about 100yards from the car when I saw some turkeys 50 yards down a path, with the sun to my back and a small bush between myself and them I looked through my monocular to see if they had seen me. When I was relatively sure they hadn't, I started backtracking looking for a decent tree to lean against.
I saw the turkeys at the star. |
When I was set I gave a couple soft yelps and moved the leaves to imitate turkey's scratching. Not knowing if they were coming was the worst part but it only took them 10 minutes or so to make it to the path. When they hit the edge of the path let me tell you they were looking for the hen. I was looking for a beard before I busted one. The grass was so long I couldn't get a good look to see if they were Jake's or Tom's so I waited. As I was watching the first one I saw the second and then a third and there might have even been a fourth.. Beard beard on the first bird... head up.... shoot... dead bird, 410 at 32 yards.
Even though he is a 2 year old he was kinda of a small bird at 18 pounds with 1" spurs and only an 8 1/2" beard.
Aghh he'll eat good.