Sunday, June 22, 2014

fool me once shame on you....... fool me 83 times.......

After the 2 1/2 hour drive to Lake Michigan I hit the landing at 5:25, only to find it the lake was socked in with fog. So like any optimistic fisherman I decided to wait for the fog to clear.
It finally did around 9:30 so off I went, only to allow me to troll endlessly from 55' to 100' without even a false release.
I marked some fish and some bait but couldn't get anything to hook up. So I think I'm done on the big lake for a while. I'm going to go catching instead of fishing at least until the kings start up in the early fall... the boat goes away at the beginning of the hunting season September 1st.
Oh yeah by the way if you want a post from last week's fishing the big lake, just reread this post minus the fog, and add about 20' to the depth on both ends.
I'll catch some fish next week and get some pics up here for your viewing pleasure.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

IIII'm baaaaack

Well since I got some steady work with 3 other job offers I decided to treat myself to some fishing on the big lake. I gave my neighbor a call and we hit the road at 3am, trolled all day and headed home at 5:30 pm. We did have a great day on the water, it was almost glass which was good considering we had to motor out to 70' to start. We trolled all the way out to 127' then back in to 60' before calling it a day.
Tom's first coho
Since Tom was my guest he got the first fish which turned out to be a nice Coho.
 Well as you can see there are 3 fish on the board.... and since we know Tom caught the one closest to him I'm sure your wondering why I wasn't sharing. Well, after I fought my coho and got him landed we went through many dry hours of nothing but washing lures. Since it had been a couple hours since the last time I checked my lures for weeds and after noticing the right downrigger rod acting funny, I thought it should be brought in. While I was bringing it in I thought it felt like I had a big weed or some other sort of sea trash. That was until I saw the coho on the other end....he had to have been on there for at least 2 hours. Oh well, one more for the box.