Thursday, March 6, 2025

Workin' on the boat... need to clean the garage

 Going back and forth for tools to work on the boat, cleaning the garage would make it alot easier. However... Hold on there... getting the boat ready is first and foremost on the list. So, here's the progress....
yep I replaced that.... took 20 minutes

And I cleared both those rails, that took a minute also, considering the hunt time for tools.
 I'm not going to really do a whole lot to the set up until I fish it for a while. The next thing will be getting it outside to see where the Bimini will set so I can take that last track off, and start putting on rod holder track, and downrigger bases. Then I'll get into the taillights which need changed and I've got to replace some marker lights that are broken. With the weather taking a spring like turn next week I should be able to make some progress.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

I'm old

 Not just because I had another Birthday this year, but my body continues to kick my own ass. Let me esplain this to ya...
I went coyote hunting on Tuesday down at Mississenewa. I saw it was going to be warm but wow I didn't think 60's. Anyway, I had some spots to hit, since I think that's where I'm going to put in for my Turkey draw this year. 
Oh... did I mention I didn't get drawn for the Merriams South Dakota turkey hunt this year? Yeah, so that's not happening.
So, I walked and scouted in the heat of the day, through the mud and what little snow was left. When I got home I showered, ate and went to bed. The next morning... that's when the payment was asked for. My right calf was so sore I could barely hobble to the kitchen to start my coffee. It's not like that was the first time I walked this year..... Agreed I'm not in great shape but good enough to go downstairs... or so I thought. 
Anyway, that was the big part of the week the other thing... (side note I didn't see a yote) was this is how my garage looked on Sunday after work..
Yep missing a boat....
This is how by garage looked on Monday....
What are the two happiest day's of a boat owners life? When he buys a boat and when he sells a boat.
Last week I was very happy... I bought this one Feb 3rd and put it in the shop for the engine to be gone over and sold mine a week ago Monday.
This is my third Spectrum, I really like these boats. I got another foot on the length, 5"s on the height of the side and a newer Merc strapped on the back.
I have started the overhaul to a fishing boat and will really hit my stride in March to be ready for fishing in April. Which brings me to my next joke.... What does BOAT stand for? Break Out Another Thousand. Then there's the other one, a boat is a hole in the water to throw money into. Not sure which one is better but they are both true, and I don't care for either of them.
Here I go again.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Short day

 Well, I went to Mongo coyote hunting just kind of late in the day just kind of looking to see what's around. See if I can find any tracks,  I did find some 🦃 tracks and I did cut a bunch of coyote tracks.I did not call anything in, I had to call it a day after I realized my Red Dot on my shotgun, the battery was dead. My shotgun was all I brought cuz I figured I was going to hunt a bunch of close in shots nothing long range or rifle shots. I was going to hunt some scrub, well I got about I don't know three or four five sets in and had to call it a day. It was a fun time, I didn't see anything, next week's supposed to warm up 💩 but I'll let you know what happens then.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Coyote hunt and a start on March clean up.

 Tuesday I went coyote hunting, did alot of walking and only called in Eagles, Hawks, Blue Jays, and Woodpeckers. I hunted sun up to sun down and the only fur I saw was 1 grinner.... truly almost smoked him, but he showed right at the beginning of my set. The weather was pretty mild in the mid 20's to start and ended in the 40's, not great calling weather.
Next week is 12 on Monday and 18 on Tuesday so I'll be getting out a couple times I hope to try and put some fur down.
Took a day to clean up the garage a little, even got all my waterfowl gear put away. So when the snow melts I'll be able to get it on the pad on the side of the garage.
By the way... yes we have snow... it's actually snowing right now.
Hope everyone is well and warm.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Another season

 Yesterday was my last day for goose in the 24-25 season, because of the ice storm that moved in last night.
However, yesterday was a really fun hunt. I actually almost got out of the house at a decent time, thereby getting to the field at a decent time. I ... oh wait... update... I said I was having trouble with my wheeler a couple weeks ago. Well, I called a mechanic I ask for advice and he said check the gas flow, which was good. If that's not it check the spark plug, well that was my problem, it was covered in carbon. So, I put a new one in and it ran better than when I first got it. Very happy... back to it.
I put out all of my full bodies and a 12 pack of silo socks and that was my spread. I shot my first 3 geese,on the phone, talking to my buddy that now lives in WI. He was waiting for his son so they could go drill some holes in an ice cube and sit on it..... 
Well, after his kid got there he hung up and I finished my limit with 2 more birds by 9a.m.
 It was very enjoyable to take my time, to break down the spread and not be in a hurry.
While I was getting ready to leave I did have a visitor that was lonely. 
Yep, I could've loaded the truck yesterday.
Well, even though I'm running out of seasons I still have coyote and fox 'til the end of the month.
Then it's March clean up.