Not just because I had another Birthday this year, but my body continues to kick my own ass. Let me esplain this to ya...
I went coyote hunting on Tuesday down at Mississenewa. I saw it was going to be warm but wow I didn't think 60's. Anyway, I had some spots to hit, since I think that's where I'm going to put in for my Turkey draw this year.
Oh... did I mention I didn't get drawn for the Merriams South Dakota turkey hunt this year? Yeah, so that's not happening.
So, I walked and scouted in the heat of the day, through the mud and what little snow was left. When I got home I showered, ate and went to bed. The next morning... that's when the payment was asked for. My right calf was so sore I could barely hobble to the kitchen to start my coffee. It's not like that was the first time I walked this year..... Agreed I'm not in great shape but good enough to go downstairs... or so I thought.
Anyway, that was the big part of the week the other thing... (side note I didn't see a yote) was this is how my garage looked on Sunday after work..
This is how by garage looked on Monday....
What are the two happiest day's of a boat owners life? When he buys a boat and when he sells a boat.
Last week I was very happy... I bought this one Feb 3rd and put it in the shop for the engine to be gone over and sold mine a week ago Monday.
This is my third Spectrum, I really like these boats. I got another foot on the length, 5"s on the height of the side and a newer Merc strapped on the back.
I have started the overhaul to a fishing boat and will really hit my stride in March to be ready for fishing in April. Which brings me to my next joke.... What does BOAT stand for? Break Out Another Thousand. Then there's the other one, a boat is a hole in the water to throw money into. Not sure which one is better but they are both true, and I don't care for either of them.
Here I go again.