Thursday, January 16, 2025


 That was all the talk this week.... it was going to be cold. 
Since my goose hunts were not so productive last week I decided to take advantage of the cold and do some coyote hunting. Of course I started out the day getting to the field late, and I didn't even let it stress me out. I made my first stand and by the time the the 15 mins was up I was feeling the chill. My toes were a little chilly in the 3 degree weather, even though I did layer correctly. Fortunately that was the only time in the day that I got cold. Matter of fact by the time it was 11 am it had warmed to a balmy 15 and I had to shed clothes.
Anyway, I only had 4 stands under my belt when I walked in to my 5th spot of the day. As I was walking in I cut some fresh coyote tracks and followed them since that was the way I was going. I got to the last field set up and started calling, it wasn't 6 min when I saw movement in the brush. I shouldered the gun and looked down the scope and saw the yote come out of the woods at 100 yards. I centered the crosshairs on his chest and squeezed the trigger. He took off like a shot down the field, I chambered another round and sent it..... I don't know if I hit him but he piled up right after the shot. 
He ran over 50 yards..
I've never had a Hornday 50grn V-Max blow up like this, usually it never has an exit hole. I texted my furrier with the pic and apologized about the sewing he was going to have to do.πŸ˜‚
As I was dragging him out I looked back and saw the trail.
He's leaking a little.....
Anyway, I hunted the rest of the day and only saw some deer towards the evening. 
Super fun day. 
Next week I want to get in at least 1 goose hunt... the temps are looking chilly again so I am also going to try and get in another coyote hunt.

Thursday, January 9, 2025


 That's why I got loaded up and headed to town on Monday, just to wait on snow and geese. I saw a couple early flocks and finally I had a flock that wanted to work. They landed 30 yards from my furthest decoy, needless to say it was too far to shoot. I had hoped they would walk in to visit but that was a bust. The only other trick in my bag was to stealthily get out of my blind and try to reap a goose. I was able to get out of my blind crouch walk to a decoy, that I picked up and put in front of me. Then I started to slowly close the distance on the closest goose. When I was just about in range the rest of the flock freaked out over a bald eagle and picked up. The one I was looking to get stood up, looked around, I took aim and .... bang, dead goose.
So now all I had to do was wait for the snow...... unfortunately all that showed up was sunset. So I got my pic and started putting the spread together. 
one goose on an all day sit..... πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
I went up to get the wheeler and it made the noise nobody wants to hear, you know that reer...reer...reer...reer noise. So I grabbed a sled and headed out to get the spread old school. After I got loaded I tried the wheeler again to no avail, and ended up pushing it into the trailer.
By the way the weatherman was WRONG again, does anyone know the definition of insanity?

So we were supose to be getting some more weather on Wednesday. So, I decided to try my river spot since everything should've be locked up tight by then. I'm not sure how true that was but it looked like everything was froze and the snow did show up off and on during the day, so that was awesome.
 I just don't know where the geese were. I could've loaded the truck with ducks but I only saw a couple flocks of geese and they wanted nothing to do with me. So I watched the ducks and a couple muskrat through out the day but no geese. I did have a nice lunch....
Then a large cup of cappuccino
Then I sat down and waited for the end of shooting, before picking up and heading North.
Couple of good days hunting. 😊

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


And I'm starting out on the wrong foot, no hunting this week because of the warm temps. 
Here's a rundown of my week... starting with Sunday after work. I got out of work and it was again raining hard out of the North. I went and set my traps, got home soaked, went downstairs to hang my clothes and noticed water on the floor. It was coming through a water pipe hole from the kitchen. I went upstairs to the kitchen and found water on the countertop and on the floor. I moved everything off the counter and put towels down then I saw where it was coming from.
 Here's the video

Here's the pics
The water was coming from the PVC pipe.
The leak was really weird it wouldn't just run the whole time, it would run for a minute or 2 then stop for five to ten minutes.
So I called the people who put the roof on and they came out the next day. Come to find out they only have 3 installers, so the people that put my roof on were subs, which makes sense. The other weird thing is I've had this roof on for 2-3 years with no issues, but with the North wind and hard rain the chink in the armor was found.
So that was Sunday night.... Way to go... πŸ’œVIKINGSπŸ’› πŸ™Œ
Monday I checked my traps and had a grinner. Tuesday I did many of my to do list tasks.
Today I went and checked and pulled my traps, we've got a cold snap comin' in and everything's going to freeze up.
Got couple more days of duck season and goose should start to get hot the colder it gets. 
I'm ready.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Well... we made it through

 I hope everyone had a safe and Merry Christmas. This was a fun week for me I went goose hunting Christmas eve and Christmas day, and had some luck. 
Christmas eve I hunted all day and ended up with 4 geese. I actually shot 5 but I couldn't find the 5th bird, I had a pair come in and I dropped the first bird and hit the second (I think). I walked the entire field and even ran the wheeler out and around after shooting and couldn't find him. Last I saw him he flew up over a hill in the field and I lost track of him after that. So, either I didn't fatally wound him and he managed to fly just under the radar and got away, or he flew away and died out of my field. Anyway, I counted him as part of my limit, and since I looked for him so long I missed my photo op.
Christmas day I went to a spot I have with some open water but the geese just didn't want to cooperate. They were high flying which gave me some passing shots but all I shot was the sky.
The weather here looks to be sucking for the next week or so, with the 40's and 50's back in the forecast. Very little chance of new birds, or at least birds that need to eat to stay warm. They'll stay around the editions and graze on the grass leaving me wet and sleeping in a field somewhere.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Seasons winding down

 Yep already, deer season closed, pheasant closed jeez seems like they just opened. I still have plenty to hunt but it's just the start of the end.
Duck season comes in next week for a couple weeks. I am going to be trying real hard to get a couple ducks, I have yet to shoot one this year.
This week I went muzzleloader hunting for deer on Tues and today, neither day did I see a deer. I did see every variety of squirrels but no deer. 
The only critter I got in my traps this week was a couple rats and a massive grinner.
Wednesday I did some goose hunting, but when I got there I noticed the farmer had VT'd the field. Which means they knocked the corn stalks down and made it harder for me to hide. So I got down in a low spot and set my spread for a ENE wind. Boy when I got done I was sweating like a w......... crap the wind just switched to NW, hold on let me change the whole spread again..... Now where was I??? Oh yeah I was hhhoottt damn hot, and I forgot my water, dang hot and thirsty in 30 degree weather. Well, good thing I wasn't in the field long....
Thank goodness I was done and out of the field by 10:30 am, for such a bad start it turned out to be a super day.
Well wish me luck for next week really want to get into some ducks.